While this probably should have been the first post, it will now be the second. It's amazingly easy to create a blog, especially with this website. I'll probably mess around with the formatting as time goes on. I certainly do have an image to upload, now all I have to do is get my scanner working. Or course that will involve some adventures in driver searching, seeings how the CD for it went missing long ago. I was lucky in that when I created this blog, my daughter was having a nap. Creating a blog on ones own is one thing, doing so with a toddler swinging off your arm is another.
I'm not the first person I know with a blog. Amy has one, which she updates when she can, or one something particular comes to mind.
Blogs are indeed a wonderful thing. I would think that a blog associated with a library would certainly help bring in readership. It could be shared postings from all staff. They could posted new acquisitions, and provide personal reviews on books, with say a snapshot/thumbnail of the current post linked to on the main page.
Or maybe that's just a bit too much coding for your average library tech. It's certainly not hard to link to the blog, but more likely having the summary up may cause issues
Great second post. It sounds like you're starting to enjoy this! Some of the suggestions you provide are exactly how libraries use blogs. One of the great things about blogs is that they make the HTML work of adding images and captions pretty easy - no coding required.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize I was being linked! I checked my stats and it said someone got to my page from this one. Thanks for the shout-out :).